Custom Wing Bags & Accessories
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New Wing Bags! - Extreme Flight 67" Edge 540 & 84" Extreme Flight/Legacy Turbo Bushmaster - Updated
NOTE: I have retired from flying RC airplanes but remain committed to making our wing bags. I enjoy this work and the people who buy them.
As far as I know, Custom Wing Bags are the only truly custom bags available. We do not make bags that fit a range of wing sizes but rather tailor each bag to fit a specific plane so they fit right. We also include things like pockets designed for that planes wing tube, and some struts. The point is that we make Custom wing bags and can make them for your wings with a simple set of dimensions. See that "Get Quote page and form here.
The idea of my producing wing bags came from a twisted wing caused by the tension of a commercial wing bag that simply did not fit right. I settled on a design formula I still use today to produce our custom wing bags for model planes of all sizes. I make templates for each of the planes in our wing bag line to insure consistency.
Over the years since I have added industrial sewing and serging machines to my shop. (used to be a living room....) I also brought in the equipment to produce custom graphics that we apply to our wing bags.
Fabric Sandwich
All Custom Wing Bags feature a canvas outer shell,
a layer of 3/4"-thick heavy duty padding, and a thick fleece interior,
including along the bottom of the bags where the leading edges
of the wings rest. I also install a padded, flannel-covered divider
to keep the wing panels separate.
Custom Zippers
Something else I had to learn was building my own zippers. I
wanted heavy-duty zippers that fit the wing bags, not design bags
to fit ready-made zippers. That was a bit of a learning process,
but the effort was worth the results.
All my Custom Wing Bags have a pocket for the wing tube when needed,
and one designed to fit those small plastic boxes servos come in for
assembly hardware. Some of our bags have pockets for struts and other
pieces when necessary for that plane or special customer needs.
If you do not see what you need, email me!
I appreciate everyone who thinks of my Wing Bags and other products!
Tom Hintz, owner,