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New Wing Bags! - Extreme Flight 67" Edge 540 & 84" Extreme Flight/Legacy Turbo Bushmaster - Updated Store Privacy Policy
I take the privacy of visitors seriously and work hard to protect that on my sites. Also, I never share, sell, rent or otherwise distribute any information we may collect with anyone or any entity other than myself. I don’t want my information distributed without my permission and treat your information the same way.
Our cookies tell me what pages on the store are visited, how many times and to some degree for how long. We also get a general geographic location of our visitors, usually within a 50-mile radius. We have no way to see your address, nor do we want to. I am interested in cities and states, primarily for sales tax collection/payments when applicable. You can opt out of the cookie info altogether within the cookie notice on our store pages.
I do not collect or store any of your financial information. All our transactions are handled by the financial institutions with all necessary information collected and stored by them on their secure servers. Here again, I have no need or desire to access or store that kind of information.
If you know of other concerns, I should address please feel free to contact me at any time using the contact page on my sites.
Tom Hintz, owner/publisher